Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Terrariums & Aquariums

Ms. Thomson has been teaching us all about organisms. First we began by learning all about seeds. We observed different kinds of seeds and then each table planted a different type of seed. We planted pinto beans, sunflowers, pumpkins, and peas.

We also learned about the parts of a plant. We learned a song to the tune of Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.
Flower, stem, leaves, and roots, leaves and roots.
Flower, stem, leaves, and roots, leaves and roots.
All it takes is sun and showers.
And a seed grows into a flower, into a flower.

Next, we created terrariums and aquariums. We also added moss to the terrariums and guppies and snails to the aquariums. We also created our own paper snails.

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