Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Name Necklaces and Me Mobiles

The children are getting in the 1st grade routine! Today we started a few new ones. We began calendar where we worked on days of the week, months of the year, place value, tally marks, patterns, the math problem of the day, and more! We also used our prompt writing journals for the first time. Today's prompt was "In first grade, I hope we..." Every day we will complete a prompt in these journals. We are really working on "Kid Writing," writing down all of the sounds that we hear.

We also explored geoblocks and interlocking cubes. I love how the children worked together to create structures and share. During Word Work each child created their own name necklace with alphabet beads. We also worked on "Me Mobiles." Each child wrote and illustrated three things that they do well on stars. Then, I helped them attach their stars to a moon. We will be hanging them up in our classroom.

We read the book "Lunch" today by Denise Fleming. Ask your child to recall one of the foods that the mouse ate.

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